Anjiro Initiative

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Norcal Peace Corps Assoc awards grant to Anjiro Initiative

The Northern California Peace Corps Association has awarded Anjiro Initiative with a generous grant to purchase construction materials to build a new classroom at Ecole Primaire Publique Sabotsy Anjiro and a new printer.

Ecole Primaire Publique serves 415 students from grades one to five and is among three elementary schools in Anjiro.

Anjiro Initiative’s Program Administrator, Tendry, a resident of Anjiro, will manage this project by working closely with the school administration. The project will be overseen by Anjiro Initiative Founder and President Clifford Duong, who served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Anjiro in 2011-2014 and successfully oversaw projects of similar size and scope. Ecole Primaire Publique staff and the community will donate the labor for the renovation and construction of the new classroom, which will serve students from all grades.

Project duration of 12 months to complete the facility. The expected completion date is October 2021.

Read about it here, Northern California Peace Corps Association.